Source code for cl_gym.algorithms.ewc

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch import optim
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch import autograd
from cl_gym.algorithms import ContinualAlgorithm

[docs]class EWC(ContinualAlgorithm): """ | Elastic Weight Consolidation | By Kirkpatricka et al. : """ # implementation is partially based on: def __init__(self, backbone, benchmark, params, fisher_lambda: float = 50.0, fisher_sample_size: int = 128): """ Args: backbone: the backbone model benchmark: the benchmark params: params for training fisher_lambda: The lambda coefficient of EWC algorithm fisher_sample_size: Sample size for calculating Fisher diagonal """ super(EWC, self).__init__(backbone, benchmark, params) self.fisher_lambda = fisher_lambda self.fisher_sample_size = fisher_sample_size def __estimate_fisher_diagonal(self): log_likelihoods = [] samples_so_far = 0 train_loader, _ = self.benchmark.load(self.current_task, batch_size=32) for x, y, _ in train_loader: batch_size = len(y) x =['device']) y =['device']) log_out = F.log_softmax(self.backbone(x, self.current_task), dim=1) log_likelihoods.append(log_out[range(batch_size),]) samples_so_far += batch_size if samples_so_far > self.fisher_sample_size: break log_likelihoods = grads = zip(*[autograd.grad(l, self.backbone.parameters(), retain_graph=(i < len(log_likelihoods)))\ for i, l in enumerate(log_likelihoods, 1)]) grads = [torch.stack(grad) for grad in grads] fisher_diagonals = [(grad ** 2).mean(0) for grad in grads] # note for the next line: in pytorch, module names are like W1.weight # but, we can't get attrs using getattr('W1.weight') because of the nested call (dot) # one trick is to replace the '.' with '_' # the other tick is to use: functools.reduce(getattr, [obj] + attr.split('.')) param_names = [n.replace('.', '_') for n, p in self.backbone.named_parameters()] return {n: f.detach() for n, f in zip(param_names, fisher_diagonals)} def __consolidate(self): fisher_diagonals = self.__estimate_fisher_diagonal() for name, param in self.backbone.named_parameters(): name = name.replace('.', '_') self.backbone.register_buffer(f"{name}_mean", self.backbone.register_buffer(f"{name}_fisher", fisher_diagonals[name].data.clone()) def __calculate_ewc_loss(self): # shouldn't be called for the first task # because we have not consolidated anything yet losses = [] for name, param in self.backbone.named_parameters(): name = name.replace('.', '_') mean = getattr(self.backbone, f"{name}_mean") fisher = getattr(self.backbone, f"{name}_fisher") losses.append((fisher * (param - mean)**2).sum()) return (self.fisher_lambda/2.0)*sum(losses)
[docs] def training_task_end(self): self.__consolidate() self.current_task += 1
[docs] def training_step(self, task_id, inp, targ, optimizer, criterion): optimizer.zero_grad() pred = self.backbone(inp, task_id) loss = criterion(pred, targ) if task_id > 1: loss += self.__calculate_ewc_loss() loss.backward() optimizer.step()